Today was going to be a good day, Bellatrix told herself. She could feel it in the air. The sense of mischief floated around her.
"Trying to compensate for something?" Bellatrix called out loudly.
"Excuse me?" A man replied turning sharply.
"Boo!" Bellatrix smiled noting his startled expression. She loved how her presence startled people.
Her neighbor frowned and made his way into his home.
Bellatrix watched him go and kicked over his trash can for good measure.
"Mmm." She stated satisfied. Another morning off to a good start.
Bellatrix couldn't explain why she was this way. She had experience a pretty ordinary childhood.
She had spent her days at the library playing chess against various bald-headed men.
And she had spent her nights in the park, playing on the jungle gyms and watching random people sleep on benches.
In all, she had a very good childhood (in her opinion.) Both her parents had spent a lot of time working. Her mother was an author while her father was a computer programmer.
The next morning, Bellatrix got up excitedly. Both of her parents were out at their respective jobs and it not being a school day, she had free roam of the house.

She was extra cautious this morning while getting ready. Her longtime boyfriend, Rodolphous ("Rod") was coming over.
Rod and Bellatrix enjoyed "messing around" in her parents bed. Just knowing it was against the rules made her smile.
Rod and Bellatrix had been inseparable since they had met.
They had dinner together every night at Bellatrix's house.
And he was the only one, at least that she believed, who truly understood her.
Mornings came and went, and Bellatrix relished each and every one.
School was lengthy and boring, but as soon as she got out she spent her nights with Rod.
Her relationship with her mother was a bit different.
"Oh you're home," Annie smiled.
"Yep, was just at the park with Rod," Bellatrix said shortly. Over the last few years, her mother had become so tied up with her writing, they would go days without speaking. Not that either of them minded particularly.
"He's a nice boy right?" Annie asked.
"Uh, yep."
"That's good. There are so many temptations in youth."
"I know," Bellatrix sighed, "dinner is ready."
"Ah," Annie smiled, "I'll be out in a minute."
Annie shut the door behind her, she knew that her mother would soon forget and get tied up in her current novel again.
"Where's your mom?" Paul asked.
"Writing," Bellatrix smiled.
Her father made so much effort in their relationship. Although they had yet to find common ground.

Her parent's relationship made no sense to her. Bellatrix and Rod were two peas in a pod, and Annie and Paul were so...different.
Against Annie's wishes, Paul threw a party for his daughter. Bellatrix was now 18 and done with high school.
Rod wasted no time, and proposed.
Bellatrix had never been so happy.
She, of course, accepted.
They very anticipated wedding of Bellatrix and Rod soon came.
As neither had any friends, only family attended. It was the best day of Bellatrix's far.
They decided to christen their marriage in her parent's bed.
After only a few weeks of married bliss, Bellatrix excitedly discovered that she was pregnant.
Unfortunately, her joy quickly turned to morning sickness.
Over the next few months Bellatrix's belly grew.
Both husband and wife were very excited for their soon-to-be bundle of joy.
Although most of Bellatrix's time was spent praying to the porcelain god.
One night, Bellatrix started experiencing a different kind of pain.
"It's time!" she shouted.
"What do we do?" Rod asked hopping from one foot to another. He had never been so scared in his life.
"Hospital!" Bellatrix exclaimed.
Several excruciating hours later, a baby girl was brought into the world.
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